英文: As for those intestinal parasitic diseases caused by roundworm, hookworm, pinworm and tapeworm, it was clearly understood that those diseases were related to the parasites lodging in the body and that their occurrence was connected with unclean foodstuffs
中文: 对蛔虫、钩虫、蛲虫、绦虫等肠寄生虫病,人们更明确认识到由这些寄生虫寄生在人体而致病,它的发病与饮食不洁有关。
英文: Because malaria parasites are far more complex than disease-causing viruses and bacteria for which vaccines now exist, malaria vaccines may never carry the same clout as, say, measles or polio shots, which protect more than 90 percent of recipients who co
中文: 因为疟疾寄生虫远比致病的病毒与细菌复杂,而现有的疫苗也都是针对病毒与细菌,因此疟疾疫苗也许永远无法像麻疹或小儿麻痹疫苗那样,只要打完所有建议的剂量后,接种的人90%以上就可以受到保护。
英文: Birds boost tree height up to 33 percent by munching on pesky parasites that can literally suck the life out of the tall-growing plants, a new study shows.
中文: 根据一项新研究显示,鸟儿嚼食讨厌的寄生虫,可以促进树木的高度增加达33%,因为寄生虫会把树木的生命力吸食殆尽。
英文: Can effectively kill various germs,virus,sporule,and parasites in water,prevent fish disease,prevent algae to breed,and purify the water.
中文: 杀菌有效性强、节能、安全可靠,可全天候使用,解决了养殖观赏鱼及水族宠物的最大水处理问题。
英文: Conclusion: Ocular infections with helminthic parasites are uncommon and have been well described previously.
中文: 结论:眼睛的寄生虫感染相当少见,但陆续都有病例被报告。