英文: I moved on a hundred years, and there was the same red sun — a little larger, a little duller—the same dying sea, the same chill air, and the same crowd of earthly 8)crustacea creeping in and out among the green weed and the red rocks.
中文: 我再前行一百年,依旧是同样的红太阳—大了一点,也黯淡了一些—同样气数将尽的海洋,同样寒澈骨的空气,同样爬行于绿草与红岩石间的一群群甲壳类生物。
英文: Kuang Puren,Qian Jinhui 1991 Economic Fauna of China-Parasitic Crustacea of Freshwater Fishes. Editorial Committee of Fauna Sinica,Academia Sinica. Science Press,Beijing,China.
中文: 20匡溥人、钱金会1991中国经济动物志:淡水鱼类寄生甲壳动物。科学出版社。
英文: Pictures of the dorsal view of Uca formosensis, which is the earliest picture found of this species, copied from the plate of A monograph of the decapod Crustacea of Formosa(1923).
中文: 图2.1923年「台湾产十脚类图说」中所附的台湾招潮背面图,以及大螯的特写,这是台湾招潮最早出现的照片。