英文: The bryophyte life forms there can be grouped into 6 types which are errantia, epipetria, epiphytia, hydro-radicantia, meso-radicantia and dry-radicantia types, out of which the species bf meso-radicantia account for 89.81% of the total species in this va
中文: 其中,中生根着型种类最多,占该流域苔藓植物种数的89.81%,主要分布于森林带;其次为旱生根着型,占该流域苔藓植物种数的11.57%;漂浮型种类最少,只占该流域苔藓植物种数的1.38%,且分布范围十分有限。
英文: The results also show that bryophyte life forms in Sangong River Valley are relatively rich, which indicates the biodiversity characteristics of bryophyte in this valley.
中文: 从分析结果还可知,新疆三工河流域苔藓植物的种类和生活型类型是比较丰富的,反映出该流域独特而复杂的苔藓植物多样性特点。
英文: Group Ⅳ contained a quadrat located in Sheshan Nature Reserve and 0 bryophyte species whose converge degree was .%.
中文: 样点组Ⅳ为佘山自然保护区一处,共有树附生苔藓0种,总盖度为.%.