英文: He has unnerved them with his swashbuckling fight against corruption, and exasperated them with his ruminative style of management.
中文: 沃尔福威茨大张声势的反腐败斗争已经让他们身心疲乏,而其沉思式的管理又让他们格外恼火。
英文: His encounter with the guard dog had completely unnerved him.
中文: 他遇上了警卫犬, 把他吓坏了.
英文: The market rout has unnerved some private investors, bankers said on Friday, even though the unfolding crisis seems largely contained to financial markets for now and looks unlikely to impact the still healthy broader economy.
中文: 银行家们周五曾说,尽管到目前为止危机仅限于金融市场,看起来也不可能影响到更广泛的经济领域,但市场大幅下跌使得某些私人投资者开始动摇。
英文: The oil market was unnerved today by speculation OPEC was considering cutting its production to stem a recent decline in oil prices.
中文: 由于推测OPEC正考虑减产以扼制近来油价下跌,今日石油市场萎靡不振。
英文: What was it - I paused to think - what was it that so unnerved me in the contemplation of the House of Usher?
中文: 那么,究竟是什么--我停下来思考--究竟是什么使我在凝望厄谢尔宅第时如此心烦意乱呢?