英文: A large-scale Public Transport Interchange will be built to the south of Tai Wai Station, providing ground-level pedestrian access to the station.
中文: 大围站以南将兴建一个大型的公共交通交汇处,乘客可利用地面行人通道进出车站。
英文: A new pedestrian subway has been built at the eastern side of the station concourse, linking the station to Tsuen Nam Road and the new Public Transport Interchange.
中文: 大围站的大堂东面将兴建一条行人隧道,连接村南道及新的公共交通交汇处。
英文: A new pedestrian subway will be built at the southern side of the station, linking it with the existing subway at the junction of Che Kung Mui Road and Sha Tin Tau Road.
中文: 车站南面将兴建一条行人隧道,连接现时位于车公庙路及沙田头路交界的行人隧道,车公庙路南面的行人可使用该行人隧道往车站。
英文: A period of time during which motor vehicular and pedestrian traffic is light.
中文: 非交通高峰时间一段时间,在这段时间内车辆和行人都少
英文: “Customs and Practices Lane”Pedestrian Commercial Street is 800 meters long.
中文: 东方文化园步行街全长800米,投资1亿元,建造面积70000平方米。