英文: A 42-year-old gourmet food junkie has skipped out on her restaurant bill so many times that she has been banned from the city of Rome, police said on Monday.
中文: 意大利首都罗马市的警方3月13日表示,该国一名42岁的妇女已被罗马在今后5年内拒之门外,因为此人屡次在当地餐厅就餐后赖帐。
英文: A British made radio-controlled vibrator has been banned in Cyprus after it was branded a threat to national security.
中文: 由于振动频率威胁了国防安全,因此日前英国生产的一款成人玩具——女性振荡器被禁止在塞浦路斯出售。
英文: A Korean Olympic Committee (KOC) official said organisers had banned food from being taken into the village but that the regulation was usually overlooked for traditional items such as Korea's spicy national dish, kimchi, Yonhap News agency reported.
中文: 据路透社11月27日援引韩国联合通讯社的报道说,韩国奥委会(KOC)的一名官员表示,如同以往举行的国际大赛那样,本次亚运会的组织者同样禁止运动员将食品带入村内,但一般来说,此项规定往往会对诸如味道辛辣的韩国泡菜等各国传统食品网开一面。
英文: A fourth supporter was banned for a pitch incursion.
中文: 此外,还有1名球迷在赛后试图冲进场内袭击他人。
英文: After a child was killed chasing a runaway hula the hoops were banned from Tokyo streets.
中文: 有一次,一个孩子在东京街上因追赶一个滚跑的呼拉圈被车轧死,从此就严禁在街上玩呼拉圈。