英文: Our nnse-off facial cleanser can help you fight off acne. Say goodbye to excess oil and dirt.Say hello to supple skin a natural moisture balance.
中文: 泡沫丰盈幼滑,能彻底去除污垢及过剩的油脂分泌,有效预防及控制粉刺,暗疮的形成,并能在肌肤上形成天然的平衡保护膜,使肌肤保持清爽而柔软。
英文: Owing to the function of both pushing costcarried out by local governments and advancing needsdone by the central government, the housing prices have increased to excess in recent years.
中文: 由于地方政府“成本推进”和中央政策“需求拉上”的共同作用,导致了近几年房屋价格大幅度上升。
英文: The algae bloom in Lake Tai, a famous but long-polluted tourist attraction in Jiangsu province, formed because water levels are at their lowest in 50 years, leading to excess nutrients in the water, Xinhua said.
中文: 新华社报道,江苏省太湖是著名的旅游景点,但湖水长期受到污染,由于水位处于五十年来的最低点,导致湖水中的营养成分过多,造成藻类大量生长。
英文: The report cites 10 potential obesity risk factors in all, including: increased rates of older mothers, whose children may be more prone to excess weight gain; a range of medications, such as antidepressants, which can promote weight gain; and a decrease
中文: 研究报告列举了诱发肥胖的十大因素:大龄妈妈比例增加,她们的后代可能更容易超重;一些药物会导致体重超标,如抗抑郁病药;烟民比例减少——尼古丁有抑制食欲的作用,所以吸烟者一旦戒烟会导致体重增加。
英文: The subsidies typically are more easy to switch on than turn off, and may be contributing to excess demand pressures during the current housing upturn.
中文: 通常启动补贴比废除补贴要容易得多,并且在当今的住房上涨期间可能造成了超额需求压力。