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here and there

各处, 到处, 四处

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英文: A few stars are known which are hardly bigger than the earth, but the majority are so large that hundreds of thousands of earths could be packed inside each and leave room to spare; here and there we come upon a giant star large enough to contain millions

中文: 人们所知道的几个星球并不比地球大多少,但绝大多数的星球却大得足以容纳成千上万个地球还绰绰有余;我们到处都能遇见大得足以包容千千万万个地球的巨星。        更详细...
英文: After all, only wide-ranging, compulsory schemes will make a real difference in reducing emissions and minimising climate change; the odd bit of offsetting here and there will not.

中文: 总体而言,只有大范围,强制性的方案才能真正减少排放并使气候变动最小化;而零星的区域性抵消是徒劳无功的。        更详细...
英文: After the rain, puddles were found here and there on the country road.

中文: 下雨之后,在乡村公路上出现了不少小水洼。        更详细...
英文: Because of natural calamity, war and annexation of land, there were many refugees who were no home to go or wandered here and there in the Song Dynasty.

中文: 摘要由于自然灾害、战争和土地兼并等原因,宋代出现了一些无家可归,四处流浪的流民。        更详细...
英文: Both sides of this gully-like main street were lined with mud walls six to eight feet high, broken here and there by covered gateways that led into the courtyards of the people.

中文: 沟渠样的主要街道两旁树立着6到8英尺高的泥墙,到处的进门通向里面人家的院落。        更详细...

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