英文: People are people-if you sit down to an audit in a culture that emphasizes harmony and long-term relationships, and you don't have the fear of stockholder litigation hanging over you, you will behave differently than you would if you were doing the audit
中文: 他说:“人是有共性的,作为一名审计员,尽管采用相同的会计标准,但如果身处一个强调和睦相处和稳定关系的社会,而且没有股东诉讼的潜在威胁,你的行为当然会和在纽约进行审计时的行为大相径庭。”
英文: A stockholder has limited liability for corporation debts. He or she has no personal obligation for corporation liabilities.
中文: 股东对公司的债务付有限责任,他们对公司的负债没有个人偿还的义务。
英文: Article 139 Where a stockholder intends to transfer its shares, it shall transfer its shares in a lawfully established stock exchange or by any other means as prescribed by the State Council.
中文: 第一百三十九条股东转让其股份,应当在依法设立的证券交易场所进行或者按照国务院规定的其他方式进行。
英文: Article 141 The transfer of an unregistered stock becomes valid as soon as the stockholder delivers the stock to the transferee.
中文: 第一百四十一条无记名股票的转让,由股东将该股票交付给受让人后即发生转让的效力。
英文: Article 41 A stockholder holding 5% of the stocks issued by a joint-stock company limited should, within 3 days starting from the date of the amount of stocks held by him/her reaching the said percentage, report to the company which must report to the sec
中文: 第四十一条持有一个股份有限公司已发行的股份百分之五的股东,应当在其持股数额达到该比例之日起三日内向该公司报告,公司必须在接到报告之日起三日内向国务院证券监督管理机构报告;属于上市公司的,应当同时向证券交易所报告。