英文: Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system can lead to a decrease in the cardiac output, cerebral anemia, suppression of brain function, and finally to a loss of consciousness.
中文: 自主神经系统的功能失调能引起心搏出量的减少、脑贫血、大脑功能抑制,最后失去知觉。
英文: In the physical, the occipital region contains the brain stem which governs the autonomic nervous system that keeps the blood moving, the heart beating, the intestinal tract moving, the digestive system moving, the lymph moving and so on.
中文: 在身体中,枕骨部位包含着脑干,它管辖着保持血液流动、心脏跳动、肠道蠕动、消化系统运作、淋巴腺运作等等的自主神经系统(植物性神经系统)。
英文: It is scientifically designed based on the fact that every direct or indirect smell influences the autonomic nervous system and psyche through the upper nerve centers.
中文: 芭莎典娜芳香卡中纯植物提炼的精华成分,对脑垂体和自律神经系统形成直接或间接的影响。
英文: The symptoms and signs which occur during an attack, such as palpitations, paleness and excessive sweating coincide with an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system function.
中文: 您突然晕倒时的症状和体征,如心跳、苍白和过多的出汗等等,跟您自主神经系统功能失调是相符的。