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The symptoms and signs which occur during an attack, such as palpitations, paleness and excessive sweating coincide with an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system function.

The symposium is topped and tailed by a story which puts Christ's case against God, and one which puts a patient's case against his psychoanalyst . 研讨会开头和结尾分别增加了将基督置于上帝的对立面,将病人置于精神分析家对立面的虚构情况的讨论。
The symposium is topped and tailed by a story which puts Christ's case against God, and one which puts a patient's case against his psychoanalyst. 研讨会开头和结尾分别增加了将基督置于上帝的对立面,将病人置于精神分析家对立面的虚构情况的讨论。
The symposium social event includes one self-funded tour (pay except for the lecturers and foreign guests). 会议将安排一个自费旅游(演讲者及国外来宾不需交费),供选择。
The symposium will also give some insights into the use of databases in the field of metabolic endocrinology. 同时在代谢内分泌领域的数据使用上增加一些新见解。
The symptom is easily neglected even by ophthalmologists. 由于不多见,因此易为医师问诊时所忽视。
The symptoms and signs which occur during an attack, such as palpitations, paleness and excessive sweating coincide with an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system function. 您突然晕倒时的症状和体征,如心跳、苍白和过多的出汗等等,跟您自主神经系统功能失调是相符的。
The symptoms manifested themselves ten days later. 十天後出现了症状.
The symptoms of SARS are high feer, dry cough, dyspnea and diarrhea. 非典型性肺炎的四大症状是高热,干咳,呼吸困难和腹泻。
The symptoms of SARS are high fever, dry cough, dyspnea and diarrhea. 非典型性肺炎的四大症状是高热,干咳,呼吸困难和腹泻。
The symptoms of burnout are: coping mechanism, passive attitudes, increasing leave times, less enthusiasm about in services education and changing jobs frequently etc. 物理治疗师的职业倦怠症状,主要有:定型化的治疗方式、态度消极、请假增多、在职教育不热心、频频变换工作岗位等。
The symptoms of dementia pugilistica include dementia, characterized by loss of cognitive function, and Parkinson's disease, a neurological disorder characterized by tremor and muscular rigidity. 拳击员痴呆症的症状包括痴呆,其特点是认知能力丧失,和帕金森症(一种以震颤和肌肉僵硬为特征的神经失常)。

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