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Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system can lead to a decrease in the cardiac output, cerebral anemia, suppression of brain function, and finally to a loss of consciousness.

Dynamoelectric door immediately and leave, the patient draws out note to fall rapidly do not manage them , complain in the heart: Unreasonable, change a code again! 电动门应声而开,病人赶紧掏笔记下“别理他们”,心里抱怨:不像话,又换密码了!
Dynarec: Fixed a bug that made characters behave strangeon Sonic Adventure 2. The fix probably affects other games too. 解决了一个使得索尼克大冒险2的角色行为变得“奇怪”的动态重编译问题,其他游戏也许也能获得好处。
Dynasty (221-207 B.C.),the prime minister Zhao Gao, obsessed with ambitions, was planning to usurp the throne day and night. 秦二世时,丞相赵高野心勃勃,日夜盘算着要篡夺皇位。
Dynasty Warriors-inspired design for Cao Rei, son of Cao Pi and Zhen Ji. Because DW needs some shoutacon characters, too. 《三国无双》式的曹睿(曹丕和甄妃的儿子﹐后为魏明帝﹐因为《三国无双》也需要一些少男角色。
Dysfunction in the orexins pathways seems to be a risk factor for both conditions. 食欲素路径的功能紊乱可能是这两个情况的危险因素。
Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system can lead to a decrease in the cardiac output, cerebral anemia, suppression of brain function, and finally to a loss of consciousness. 自主神经系统的功能失调能引起心搏出量的减少、脑贫血、大脑功能抑制,最后失去知觉。
Dyskinesia was not increased in ZNS groups. 运动障碍的出现在ZNS组中并未增加。
Dyspnea due exclusively to inadequate cardiac output is not affected by posture but varies with physical exertion and may be associated with weakness and fatigue. 完全由心排血量不足引起的呼吸困难不受体位影响,但随体力活动而变,可伴有虚弱和乏力。
Dyspnea due to CAD may coexist with that due to another cardiac disease. 由CAD引起的呼吸困难也可与其他疾病引起的呼吸困难同时存在。
Dyspnea must be assessed in relation to age, obesity and physical fitness. 病人呼吸困难应考虑其年龄、肥胖程度及健康状况。
Dystrophic calcification of soft tissue or cartilage is the result of calcium deposition in damaged tissues. 通常软组织的异位性钙化是源自于组织受到外伤后,钙离子沉积造成的结果。

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