*['kɒntrә]\nn. 反对, 相反\nad. 反对地, 相反地\n【经】 相反(地), 反对(地), 相对
英文: Fawn Hall leaves Washington court yesterday after swearing that she shredded originals of Oliver North's key Iran/Contra memos on her own hook after making some changes in them at Ollie's request just before he was sacked in1986.
中文: 福恩·霍尔昨天离天华盛顿法院之前,发誓说在1986年诺斯被解雇以前,她应诺斯之请在他的最重要的伊朗军售文件上做了一些更改,然后她出于自主地销毁了原件。
英文: He was also directly linked with the Iran-Contra affair according to government records and Herrmann's own testimony.
中文: 根据政府报告和他自己的证词,他和反伊朗事件有着直接联系。
英文: In a larger sense, the Iran-contra hearings, like the celebrated Senate Watergate hearings 14 years earlier, addressed fundamental questions about the government's accountability to the public, and the proper balance between the executive and legislative
中文: 从某种较为宽泛的意义上说,有关“伊朗—反政府武装组织事件”的听证会,犹如14年前著名的参议员水门事件听证会那样,所涉及到的都是某些根本性问题,即政府应如何向公众负责,以及政府行政与立法部门之间如何才能达成某种恰如其分的平衡。
英文: Iran Contra Affair: US Attorney General Edwin Meese announces that profits from covert weapons sales to Iran were illegally diverted to the anti-communist Contra rebels in Nicaragua.
中文: 1986年,反伊朗事件:美国首席检察官埃德温·米斯宣布来自暗中给伊朗销售武器的利润所得被非法的转移给了尼加拉瓜*产主义陈营中的反对派武装。
英文: Michael Ledeen, who was deeply involved in the Iran-contra affair, appeared in Italy on a rogue mission and claimed to have evidence that Saddam had buried enriched uranium deep beneath a river bed.
中文: 曾在伊朗门扮演主要角色的麦克.利定无赖般的在意大利出现,宣称可以证明萨达姆在河床下面埋了精炼过的铀。