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fixed capital


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英文: 6 Ours is a large cross-region, cross-trade and cross-ownership (group) corporation which integrates scientific research, manufacturing industry, trade and tourist and entertainment services; the company has fixed capital assets of 380 million yuan and an

中文: 6本公司是一个融科、工、贸、旅游、娱乐于一体的跨地区、跨行业、跨所有制的大型(集团)公司,公司拥有固定资产三亿八千万元.年销售额达十五亿元。        更详细...
英文: Any economy organizations, groups or individuals at home and abroad, introducing projects which can yield returns, will be rewarded with RMB30,000yuan if introducing a project with the fixed capital investment of RMB10 million yuan (USD a million dollars

中文: 成功引进使项目发挥效益的国内外经济组织和团体及个人,引进固定资产投资1000万元人民币(外资项目100万美元)项目的有功人员奖励3万元人民币,在此基础上每增加1000万元人民币(外资100万美元),追加奖励2万元人民币,最高可达到21万元人民币。        更详细...
英文: Any newly-invested project of an fixed capital investment of over one million dollars by foreign investors, or of an fixed capital investment of over ten million yuan by domestic investors, within 5 years from the date of putting into production and ratep

中文: 凡在我市新办固定资产投资100万美元以上的外商投资项目、固定资产投资在1000万元人民币的内商投资项目,自该项目投产纳税之日起5年内,由该项目税收受益方将企业所得税地方留成部分全额奖励给企业。        更详细...
英文: Fixed capital amount to one million and fifty thousands, introducing new technology and techniques we can produce granite, step-stone, mushroom-stone, side-stone, road-edge stone, square stone, stone material, carve stone and gravestone.

中文: 本厂有固定资金150万,引用先进的科学技术和工艺,生产了花岗岩、台阶石、蘑菇石、侧石、路沿石、广场石、石材、雕刻、墓碑。        更详细...
英文: For some new-and-high-tech enterprises and the projects of an fixed capital investment of over 100 million yuan, besides the relative national preferential policies, the tax preference will last two more years.

中文: 对属于本范围内的高新技术企业,在享受国家有关优惠政策的基础上,以及固定资产投资1亿元以上的项目,再延长2年,由该项目税收受益方将企业所得税地方留成部分全额奖励给企业。        更详细...

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