英文: Angel did those calculations before he came up with the basic design of the GMT, and he figures that with a bit of luck and some technical wizardry, it may be able to pick evidence of an Earth-like world out of the glare of its star.
中文: 安吉尔早在设计GMT的雏型时就评估过了,他体认到只要靠点运气再加上一些精妙的技巧,我们就很可能在这片茫茫「星」海中找到一颗类地行星。
英文: Basic design 9mm semi-automatic gun. 12 shot clip. Long-range weapon. Optional silencer and laser sight.
中文: 基本设计为9毫米口径半自动手枪,12发,长射程。可选配消音器和激光瞄准器。
英文: He thinks the basic design of the suits—inflexibility and all—is far sounder than any of the proposed improvements.
中文: 他认为那些宇航服的基本设计–僵硬及其他–比目前提出的任何改进计划都要可靠得多。
英文: Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone is located within an area of 20 hectares, the park overall planning for the administrative divisions in Anhui basic design framework will be the province's 17 cities and historical and cultural customs in
中文: 位于合肥经济技术开发区内,占地20公倾,园区整体规划以安徽行政区划为基本构图框架,将全省17个地市的历史文化风情和当代建设成就以园林的形式展现出来。
英文: In this paper, the basic design principles of experiment to determine seed storage behaviour and appropriate environments for seed storage were summarized.
中文: 摘要简述了确定种子贮藏类型和适宜贮藏环境条件的基本实验设计思路。