英文: If our parents' mistakes or faults are minor ones, we should continue to exhort them to change, not giving up even if they get so mad that they scold or hit us.
中文: 若父母的过失小时,一定要坚持劝到底;即使父母怒不可遏,责骂甚至于打我们,也不要放弃。
英文: If they cannot accept our advice, wait for better opportunities to exhort them again and again.
中文: 如父母不接受劝告,就等到父母心情好时再劝。
英文: In line with the promise of this age, I want to exhort each of the graduates here to take on an issue – a complex problem, a deep inequity, and become a specialist on it.
中文: 同这个时代的期望一样,我也要向今天各位毕业的同学提出一个忠告:你们要选择一个问题,一个复杂的问题,一个有关于人类深刻的不平等的问题,然后你们要变成这个问题的专家。
英文: [KJV] Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
中文: 坚守那合乎教义、可靠的真道,好使他能够用纯正的道理劝勉人,并且能够折服反对的人。
英文: The classical fictions in the Song Dynasty are numerous and various, most of which are about Confucian ethics based on Chinese traditional concept of Effect and Retribution or Buddhist theory of metempsychosis in a hope to exhort and moralize people.
中文: 宋代文言小说中果报题材作品数量众多,类型丰富,其中大多数作品是借中国传统因果报应观念或佛教轮回果报学说的形式,来表现儒家道德伦理的实质内容,以达到劝惩教化的目的。