英文: Purpose: A base material of various cesium compounds, used in glass, ceramics, catalyst and chemically analytics reagents.
中文: 用途:制取各种铯盐的基础原料,用于生产特种玻璃、催化剂、特种陶瓷及用作分析试剂。
英文: Site analytics will let you evaluate your conversion efforts in terms of depth of visits, length of visits, and whether time spent on specific pages and the number of repeat visitors is increasing.
中文: 网站分析可以让你对转化努力做出评估,按照访问深度、访问长度、在特定网页上所花时间以及访问回头客是否在增加等项目进行。
英文: Supervise and guide a group of 5-10, including Advertisement Coordinators, Ads Campaign Executive, AdWords Analytics Executive, and Oversea Contractors to measure and improve marketing effectiveness.
中文: 监管、指导一个5-10人的广告团队去发展广告渠道和监测市场推广手段功效。
英文: The detailed opinion of the enterprise ZINSSER ANALYTIC GMBH has pertinent Information on Analytics and on Laboratory analyses. Moreover, Laboratory automation and Reagents and/or Scintillators are offered.
中文: ZINSSER ANALYTIC GMBH是一家理想的企业,该企业制造最新的、杰出的分析学,实验分析,实验自动化,试剂,闪烁仪。
英文: We use data from 145 million online consumers worldwide, sophisticated analytics and advanced targeting technologies to create value for both marketers and publishers.
中文: 好了新闻看完,让我们近距离了解下这家公司.很有趣,蓝锂的口号是数据从此与众不同.