Purpose of review: Hepatitis B virus infection is prevalent worldwide and is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality particularly in Asia.
综述的目的:乙型肝炎感染是一个世界范围内的重要传染病,并且是一些亚洲国家发病和死亡的一个主要原因。 |
Purpose of the rectifier transformers is to operate with the AC/DC power converters connected to them, to adapt the power line voltage to the voltage required by the load but can't provide galvanic separation between load and power line.
整流变压器的作用是连接到AC/DC电源转换器上将电源侧电压转换为负载所需电压但不提供负载和电源之间的电隔离。 |
Purpose of this test is to examine if the installed equipments buying from the seller (include large and medium-size DSLAM and network control equipments) have met the requirements of equipments specification in this purchasing scheme.
首局测试目的在于验证售方所交付及安装之器材(含大、中型DSLAM及网管设备)符合本购案器材规范之要求。 |
Purpose or need initiates planning and action on the part of the doer.
采取行动的人都是因为某个目的或需要而激发了计划或采取行动的行为。 |
Purpose that psychotherapy combine to. let people with open altitude and open eyes, multidimension degree, way to bring out of many visual angles.
心理疗法整合的目的是让人们以更为开放的态度和更为开阔的眼光,多维度、多视角地探索各方法间相得益彰的方式。 |
Purpose: A base material of various cesium compounds, used in glass, ceramics, catalyst and chemically analytics reagents.
用途:制取各种铯盐的基础原料,用于生产特种玻璃、催化剂、特种陶瓷及用作分析试剂。 |
Purpose: Heat with steam to filled carbon dioxide drinks or cool down hot filled drinks.
用途:对灌装好的含气清凉饮料进行蒸汽加温或对灌装好的热灌装饮料进行降温。 |
Purpose: Here we examine a case of sphenoid sinus mucocele presenting with left abducens nerve palsy and subsequent loss of left eye vision.
摘要目的:报告一例因罹患蝶窦黏液囊肿而导致单侧外展神经麻痹及视力丧失的病例。 |
Purpose: The development of the endoscopic brow and forehead lift has provided an alternative to the traditional approach for cosmetically unpleasant brow ptosis.
摘要目的:上额拉皮,是让我们脸部年轻化的一种美容手术,内视镜上额拉皮则为传统上掀式拉皮手术外的另一选择。 |
Purpose: The equipment is used for mensurating modulus of rupture of refractory products at high temperatures.
该设备用于耐火材料的高温抗折强度的测量。 |
Purpose: The paper is to discuss the histological structure of anencephalus oesophagus, trying to provide morphological data for the growth of anencephalus' tissue and organ.
摘要目的:探讨无脑儿食管的组织结构,为无脑儿的组织器官发育提供形态学方面的资料。 |