英文: Built on Athens's historic acropolis in the fifth century b.c., the Parthenon was partly a tribute to the goddess Athena, patron of Athens and protector of all Greek cities, to thank her for helping Athens and its allies defeat the Persians.
中文: 帕台农神庙于公元前五世纪建在雅典有历史意义的卫城之上,在一定程度上是供奉女神雅典娜的,是为了感谢这位雅典的守护神暨希腊诸城的捍卫者帮助雅典人及其同盟邦打败波斯人的入侵。
英文: Candidates for the new list have been narrowed down to 21, including the Taj Mahal, Stonehenge, the Acropolis and the Great Wall of China.
中文: 最新的候选名单已缩小至21个,其中包括泰姬陵、巨石阵、雅典卫城以及中国的长城。
英文: It consisted of a solemn procession to the Acropolis in which a peplos was carried to the goddess, for she had once saved the city, gaining victory over the nation of Poseidon, that is, the Atlanteans.
中文: 它是由雅典卫城庄严的队伍组成,里面的女神穿着希腊的的女式长外衣,因为她曾经拯救了这个城市,战胜了波赛冬的国家,那就是,亚特兰蒂斯岛。
英文: Many tourists visit the Acropolis in Athens.
中文: 有很多游客参观雅典的卫城.
英文: Only one European site, the Colosseum, was picked. The Eiffel Tower and the Acropolis had also been contenders.
中文: 欧洲只有一个地方,意大利古罗马斗兽场被选出.巴黎艾菲尔铁塔(位于塞纳河南岸)和古希腊城市的卫城,同样参加了竞选.