英文: In realities, public interest should not have absolute priority to civil rights so it is necessary to establish policy negotiation, dialogue and remedial system.
中文: 现实中的公共利益对于公养基本权利不应具有绝对的“宰制权”,故而政策协商、对话和补救机制的建立理应成为题中之义。
英文: The full priority scheduling algorithm generates the scheduling list according to the priority vectors, and only the application which has the highest priority can be submitted while the non-absolute priority scheduling algorithm schedules several indepen
中文: 其中,完全优先级调度算法根据网格工作流中的应用程序优先级向量生成调度序列,而且每次只将队列中优先级最高的应用程序提交给网格,而非完全优先级调度算法可同时调度若干无依赖的网格应用程序进入网格,以弥补完全优先级调度算法的并行化问题。
英文: The resulting absolute priority of a thread is the same as the value assigned here.
中文: 线程的最终绝对优先级等于它所赋的绝对优先级。
英文: The resulting absolute priority of a thread is the sum of this relative priority value and the priority value of its owning process.
中文: 线程最终的绝对优先级是线程相对优先级和进程优先级的和。
英文: This value is termed the absolute priority of the thread and is calculated from the priority values assigned through the API to both the thread and the process which owns that thread.
中文: 这个值被决定了线程的绝对优先级,这个绝对优先级是通过API赋值给线程的优先级以及它所在进程的优先级共同计算得到的。