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public prosecution

【法】 公诉

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英文: Article 125. A people's court shall pronounce judgment on a case of public prosecution within one month, or one and a half months at the latest, after accepting it for trial.

中文: 五、人民检察院审查起诉和人民法院审理的公诉案件,被告人没有被羁押的,不受刑事诉讼法第九十七条、第一百二十五条、第一百四十二条规定的办案期限的限制,但是不能中断对案件的审理。        更详细...
英文: Article 150 After a People's Court has examined a case in which public prosecution was initiated, it shall decide to open the court session and try the case, if the bill of prosecution contains clear facts of the crime accused and, in addition, there are

中文: 第一百五十条人民法院对提起公诉的案件进行审查后,对于起诉书中有明确的指控犯罪事实并且附有证据目录、证人名单和主要证据复印件或者照片的,应当决定开庭审判。        更详细...
英文: Article 168 A People's Court shall pronounce judgment on a case of public prosecution within one month or, one and a half months at the latest, after accepting it.

中文: 第一百六十八条人民法院审理公诉案件,应当在受理后一个月以内宣判,至迟不得超过一个半月。        更详细...
英文: In China, it is of great significance to the realization of rule by law in administration to establish administrative public prosecution system, which should be mainly made up in the establishment of its plaintiff qualification, definition of its case-acc

中文: 摘要在我国,设立行政公诉制度对实现行政法治具有重大意义,主要应从确立行政公诉原告资格、明确规定行政公诉的受案范围和确定行政公诉案件的审级制度几个方面来具体构造我国的行政公诉制度。        更详细...
英文: The People's Procuratorates shall be responsible for procuratorial work, authorizing approval of arrests, conducting investigation and initiating public prosecution of cases directly accepted by the procuratorial organs.

中文: 检察、批准逮捕、检察机关直接受理的案件的侦查、提起公诉,由人民检察院负责。        更详细...

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