英文: 023 The application server assumes the identity of the client when it is performing operations on the database server for that client.
中文: 应用服务器的作用是代替客户端在数据库服务器上执行此客户端所需的操作。
英文: 10 buildings with unique style, 1 Roland Palace and 4 CITYHOUSEs are well arranged along the coastline, forming elegant scenery.
中文: 10栋风格独特的建筑、1栋罗兰宫、4栋CITYHOUSE沿海岸线铺陈开来,分布得错落有致,形成一道优雅的风景。
英文: [bbe] And put up the hangings forming the open space all round it, with the curtain over its doorway.
中文: 用膏油把帐幕和其中所有的都抹上、使帐幕和一切器具成圣、就都成圣。
英文: [i]Argiope[/i] has the typical circular vertical web, with some broad white zig-zag stitching forming a stabilimentum on which the spiders rests, head down.
中文: 这类蛛常织圆形垂直网,在中心附近会有明显粗大的支持带,形成一个大交叉。而牠休息时,姿态亦像十字一样,十分有趣。
英文: (When performing a select on the view above, is it true that if I don't actually select field Y from the view above that column is not processed?
中文: 当我进行查询的时候,假如没有选择视图上的Y列,那么这列不会进行处理,是这样的吗?