英文: As everyone knows, in the 80s and 90s of last century, the Japan-American trade conflicts were constantly upgraded with the United States frequently waving the big stick of sanction to Japan and even criticizing Japan the alienof the capitalism, pressing
中文: 众所周知,上世纪八九十年代,日美贸易摩擦不断升级,美国对日本频频挥舞制裁大棒,直至指责日本为资本主义的异类,压其彻底改革经济体制。
英文: But since Japan largely shifts its production bases to China and exports to the United States its high-tech, high-additional-value products which are assembled and processed in China and then disguised as the Chinese products, the Japan-American direct tr
中文: 但自从日本大举对华转移生产基地,将高科技、高附加价值产品经中国组装加工,伪装成中国产品对美出口后,日美直接贸易顺差连年下降,日美经贸摩擦迅速降温。
英文: Holidays (2000): Jan. 1 (New Year's Day), Jan. 6 (Epiphany), Jan. 21 (Our Lady of Altagracia), Jan. 26 (Duarte), Feb. 27 (Indnependence Day), Apr. 13 (Good Friday), Apr. 14 (Pan-American Day), May 1 (Labour Day), Jul. 16 (Foundation of Sociedad la Trinita
中文: 节日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、主显节(1月6日)、阿尔塔格拉西亚节(1月21日)、杜阿尔特日(1月26日)、独立日(2月27日)、耶稣受难日(4月13日)、泛美日(4月14日)、劳动节(5月1日)、三位一体会社诞生日(7月16日)、恢复日(8月16日)、梅塞德斯圣女日(9月24日)、哥伦布日(10月12日)、联合国日(10月24日)、万圣节(11月1日)、圣诞节(12月25日)。
英文: Obviously, the expansion of Sino-Japan trade will further cushion for the Japan-American economic and trade conflicts while leaving China exposed in the draught of Sino-American trade conflicts.
中文: 显然,中日贸易的扩张将进一步掩盖日美经贸矛盾,而使中国暴露于中美贸易摩擦的风口。
英文: On the contrary, the imbalance of Sino-American trade is outstanding and China becomes the scapegoatwhich alleviates the Japan-American trade conflicts.
中文: 相反,中美贸易不平衡突出,中国成为缓解日美国贸易摩擦的替罪羊。