英文: China has launched its 100th Long March rocket, lifting a communication satellite for radio and television into orbit.
中文: 中国第100次发射长征系列运载火箭,将一颗用于电视和广播的通信卫星送入太空。
英文: China re-entered space yesterday evening, sending a communication satellite into orbit atop a Long March 3B rocket from a launch pad in Xichang in Southwest China's Sichuan Province.
中文: 北京时间4月12日20时0分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用“长征三号乙”捆绑式运载火箭,成功地将“亚太六号”通信卫星送入太空。
英文: In 2005, “ChinaSat 9”direct broadcast satellite and “ChinaSat 6B” telecommunication satellite projects were approved by the State Council.“ChinaSat 6B”and “ChinaSat 9”direct broadcast satellite will enhance the technology equIPments abilities in Chinese t
中文: 该系统将卫星通信与基于IP的宽带业务相结合,能够与地面宽带网络互为备份和补充,可向国内用户提供包括互联网宽带接入、话音、数据、视频和多媒体在内的综合信息服务。
英文: With the rising demand ever, the orbital resource and frequency spectrum resource for GSO communication satellite has been almost fully exploited and utilized, by means of cross polarization, multi coverage, and orbital space reduction.
中文: 随着通信需求的增长,人们采用极化复用、空间复用和缩小轨位间距等手段,对静止卫星轨位和无线电频谱资源作了接近极限的开发利用。