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joint ownership

【经】 共有权, 共同所有权, 联合租赁权

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英文: Of the total number of employees, the proportion of those in state-owned, state joint ownership and state sole funded corporations accounted for 20.0 percent, state-owned, state joint ownership and state sole funded corporations was 12.7 percent, the priv

中文: 在批发和零售贸易业法人企业就业人员中,国有、国有联营和国有独资公司共占20.0%,集体、集体联营和股份合作企业共占12.7%,私营企业占39.2%,港澳台商投资企业占0.9%,外商投资企业占2.0%,其余类型企业共占25.2%(详见表8)。        更详细...
英文: Real estate, such as a unit in an apartment complex or a parking space in a garage, that combines fee simple title to the unit and joint ownership in the common elements shared with other unit owners.

中文: 共同管辖权不动产,如公寓中的某个房间或车库中的车位,在与其他地产单位的所有人共享时所有人要按各自的份额收取费用        更详细...
英文: Real estate, such as a unit in an apartment complex or a parking space in a garage, that combines fee simple title to the unit and joint ownership in the common elements shared with other unit owners.

中文: 真正私人财产,象复杂的房间中的单位或者是挺车场的一个空位置,它把一个简单的费用联系到一个单位并且把所有权和其他的业主分享。        更详细...
英文: Staff and Workers : refer to the persons who work in (and rece Ive payment therefrom) enterprises and institutions of state ownership , collective ownership , joint ownership , share holding , foreign ownership, and ownersh ip by entrepreneurs from Hong K

中文: 职工:指在国有经济、城镇集体经济、联营经济、股份制经济、外商和港、澳、台投资经济、其他经济单位及其附属机构工作,并由其支付工资的各类人员。        更详细...
英文: They accept joint ownership of assets and state presence in firms to a degree unimaginable to Amercians.

中文: 有些企业也(乐于)接受国有资产和产权的合作,而这在美国是非常不可想像的。        更详细...

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