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under age


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英文: According to AHRQ's Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data for children under age 18, Hispanics were nearly 3 times as likely and blacks over twice as likely as whites to lack a usual source of health care.

中文: 根据AHRQ医疗费用委员会调查18岁以下,西班牙裔有近3倍,黑人有超过2倍比较白人所拥有的通常医疗资源的缺口。        更详细...
英文: Account penalties up to and including account closure if it is determined that the unauthorized access was due to the registered user or their child or trustee (under age 18) sharing the account name and password with anyone else.

中文: 如果确认注册人或其子女或是18岁以下的监管人与他人共享同一账号名称以及密码后,账号处罚将包括封号。        更详细...
英文: Atlantic Canada accounted for 13 deaths and 52 near-drownings among children under age 14, or 22 per cent of child drownings for a region with seven per cent of the Canadian population, the Canadian Red Cross said Monday.

中文: 周一加拿大红十字会说,加拿大大西洋地区解释了14岁以下儿童13人死亡和52人几乎溺死或拥有加拿大人口7%的地区有22%的儿童溺水。        更详细...
英文: China should take significant measures to improve in these areas; revise its anti-trafficking provisions to align with its international obligations, including prohibiting the commercial sexual exploitation of children under age 18 and all forms of forced

中文: 中国应该在如下方面进行大规模的改进:修改反人口贩运方面的规定以尽到他的国际责任,这包括禁止对18岁以下儿童的商业化性剥削和任何形式的强制劳动;继续推行他们的计划以确定并实施国家行动方案。        更详细...
英文: Don't regard the adult children as of under age and serve as a guardian for them, so to avoid incurring complaints.

中文: 二、不要再将成年子女当成未成年来「监护」,以免顾人怨。        更详细...

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