英文: We are aggressive in our efforts to transform our forces into a leaner, more agile force capable of anticipating and responding to rogue threats or providing humanitarian relief ①on demand.
中文: “我们正在积极努力,以便使我们的军队转变为可以预期和应对极端威胁或应邀提供人道主义援助的更为小巧和灵活的军队。”
英文: 4 The royal government squandered money on misguided aviation and shipping ventures, and the bulk of the $56m it secured from selling passports was frittered away in poor investments by a visiting American rogue rather quaintly appointed by the king as hi
中文: 效忠于王权的政府把大把的钱花在方向错误的航空、航运投资上,而一个来访问美国流氓则把5千6百万美元花在了一些收益极低的项目上,而这些钱是政府出卖护照的所得,更令人奇怪的是,这个流氓还被任命为国王的“宫廷小丑”。
英文: A more likely explanation, he offers, is that the rogue mandible comes from a male and the rest of the bones belong to females.
中文: 他认为,更接近真相的解释是,那个巨大的下颚骨是男性留下的,其他的化石则全是女性的。
英文: A rogue can do far more damage with a tea than a warlock can heal with health stone.
中文: 一个用茶的贼比一个用治疗石的术士做的伤害多的多了。
英文: And the valet, who had begun to attempt a brogue out of admiration for his new master, made requisite answer in a combination of Geechee and County Meath that would have puzzled anyone except those two alone.
中文: 这个贴身男仆出于对新主人的崇拜,已开始试着用土腔来作必要的回答,那是一种吉契和米思郡的混合腔调,除了他们两个谁也听不懂。