英文: Gold reserve in China is characterized by wide and relatively concentrated distribution, large number of medium-small deposits and small number of large-superlarge deposits, slightly lower grade, big proportion of the micro disseminated deposits, large vo
中文: 我国金矿的基本特点是:分布广、较集中;中-小型矿床多,大型-超大型矿床少;金矿品位偏低;微细浸染型金矿比例较大;伴生金矿储量大,且具重要价值;金银密切共生。
英文: Gold reserve was drawn down.
中文: 黄金储备已经耗尽。
英文: That Federal Gold Reserve Float will allow the one Float balance (FGR) to be available to operate with a single or with multiple payment services that are being released.
中文: 答:联邦黄金帐号可以允许这个帐号独立的或者多方面的处理就要释放的支付服务。
英文: The Federal Gold Reserve Float balance is controlled by the funds held by the Federal Gold Reserve for the DXMerchant for all the e-currency payment services.
中文: 联邦黄金由联邦黄金储备公司管理所有兑换商的网银支付服务。