英文: At the same time, many studies showed that BPD patients had deficits on neurocognitive tasks considered sensitive to prefrontal dysfunction.
中文: 许多研究认为边缘型人格障碍患者具有独特的认知风格,并存在显著的神经认知功能损害,特别是执行功能损害。
英文: But regardless of the type of joke, the subjects' medial ventral prefrontal cortex always lit up. If you find the joke funny, the medial ventral prefrontal cortex will activate; if you don't find it funny, it will not activate,Goel says.
中文: 高尔说:“如果你觉得那个幽默特别好笑,脑前叶下腹中轴皮层就被激活;如果你不觉得好笑,那么这个区域就不会被激活。”
英文: Caps studded with electrodes revealed that when subjects learned they had won or lost wagers, electrical activity was highest in the medial frontal cortex, situated behind the prefrontal cortex.
中文: 由戴在头上嵌有电极的头罩记录显示,受试者在赢得或输掉赌注之时,位于前额叶皮质后头的内侧额叶皮质,会出现最大量的电流活性。
英文: Disorders of the basal ganglia and their prefrontal projections are often complicated by depression and result in executive dysfunction.
中文: 老年忧郁症合并执行功能障碍则会提高未来出现失智症的危险性。
英文: Dr Koenigs, Ms Young and their colleagues suspected that the seat of the runaway-railway-wagon paradox lies in that specific part of the prefrontal cortex, known as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPC).
中文: 科尼格斯博士与杨女士连同他们领导的科研组都猜测“失控的车-铁路线-铁路货车的悖论”的决定因素在于前额皮质层的那个特殊地方,我们称之为正中的前额皮质层。