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Caps studded with electrodes revealed that when subjects learned they had won or lost wagers, electrical activity was highest in the medial frontal cortex, situated behind the prefrontal cortex.

Capricorn: Tries to come up with the most efficient way to engineer the turkey, from basting to carving. 摩羯:一定在琢磨着处理火鸡从涂油到烹饪的最有效的办法。
Capricorn:Your character is cool-headed, but is always been fond of by alacrity optimism, joky Sagittarius of dog dinner, but also because you take care of not to live Sagittarius, usually can looking at Sagittarius to play everywhere, a person alone bitt 魔羯座:你的个性沉稳,却老是被活泼乐观、爱开玩笑的射手座迷的乱七八糟,但也因为你管不住射手座,通常只能看着射手座到处玩,独自一人苦守寒窑。
Capricornians are normally confident, strong-willed and calm. 魔羯座的人通常很自信,有着强烈的意志并且很冷静。
Capricorns are hard to satisfy so, make your weight loss goals realistic. 尽管魔羯座很难满足,可还是要使你们的减重目标现实一点。
Capricorns aren't about to engage in any far-flung adventures, preferring instead to take a risk on an unknown bottle of wine. Now that's living! 魔羯座并不打算参与那些漫长遥远的冒险活动,他们更愿意来品尝一瓶不知名的葡萄酒。
Caps studded with electrodes revealed that when subjects learned they had won or lost wagers, electrical activity was highest in the medial frontal cortex, situated behind the prefrontal cortex. 由戴在头上嵌有电极的头罩记录显示,受试者在赢得或输掉赌注之时,位于前额叶皮质后头的内侧额叶皮质,会出现最大量的电流活性。
Capsaicin is an ingredient in red pepper, when inhaled it can cause cough by stimulating sensory nerve endings. 辣椒素是红辣椒中的成分,吸入它时会刺激感觉神经末梢,引发咳嗽。
Capsid The protein coat of a VIRUS, which surrounds its nucleic acid. 衣壳:病毒的外壳蛋白,包围着核酸。
Capsid proteins are involved in recognition and infection of the host and can be used to identify the virus by serological means or amino acid sequencing. 衣壳蛋白与寄主的识别和感染有关,还可以通过血清学的方法或氨基酸序列来识别病毒。
Capsule calcium hydroxide was synthesised by that phenol-formaldehyde resin in situ encapsulated calcium hydroxide. The thermal stability and mechanical properties of PVC mixed samples was studied. 摘要采用界面聚合法制备了胶囊化氢氧化钙,并探讨其在PVC中的分散性和相容性。
Capsule cylindric, 2.5-5 cm long, slightly curved, 6-grooved. 蒴果长圆柱形,长2.5-5厘米,稍弯曲,有6棱。

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