special account
【经】 特别帐户(科目)
英文: Especially for this purpose,the customer's deposit account is debited, the special account credited and a cheque issued to the customer for the amount required.
中文: 尤其在这种情况下,可以借记客户的存款账户,贷记专用账户和向客户开出所需金额的支票。
英文: Financial affairs divisions in respective units shall conscientiously strengthen the management of expenditure of appropriations (including funds allocated from the special account for non-budgetary financial funds) determined by the Ministry of Finance,
中文: 各单位财务部门对财政部门核拨的经费(包括从财政预算外资金专户核拨的经费)要切实加强支出管理,建立健全管理制度,严格执行国家规定的开支范围和开支标准,对违反财经纪律和财务制度规定的开支一律不得支付。
英文: Foreign currency income due to capital change, after being verified by the foreign exchange administration authority, may be kept in a special account for capital items, or it may also be sold.
中文: 资本变动外汇收入经外汇管理机关核准,可以开立资本项目专用帐户保留,也可经外汇管理机关核准后结汇。
英文: Improving the Work for Handing over Administrative Charges and Incomes from Fines and Confiscations to the State Treasure and to the Special Account for Non-budgetary Financial Funds.
中文: 三、加强行政性收费和罚没收入上缴国库或财政预算外资金专户的工作。
英文: The sound credit records of the two borrowing enterprises involved with the trust project are maintained, and ICBC Beijing Municipal Branch shall exercise the strict supervision over the receipt and transfer of the amounts in the “Special Account of the T
中文: 本产品所涉信托项目的两家借款企业信用记录良好,中国工商银行北京市分行按照信托贷款协议约定对“信托资金专户”内的款项进行收划并进行监督,并由中国农业银行总行与中国工商银行北京市分行分别提供不可撤销本息连带责任保证,使信托项目信用增级达到金融债水平,风险程度较低。