英文: If they could get it small enough, it could be mounted on a helmet, then they could pan around on their heads and they could feel the sonar on their tongues with good registration to what they are seeing visually,Raj said.
中文: 如果我们能将声纳仪做得很小,那就可以放在头盔上,随头慢慢转动,在眼睛看到物体时,舌头也接受到物体得声纳。
英文: Please attach the copy of business licence,tax registration and ID card of legal representative.
中文: 请将公司营业执照副本,税务登记证副本,公司法人代表身份证复印件附后.
英文: State of the ship's registrymeans in relation to registered ships the State of registration of the ship, and in relation to unregistered ships the State whose flag the ship is flying.
中文: “船舶登记国”,就登记的船舶而言,是指对船舶进行登记的国家;就未登记的船舶而言,是指其船旗国。
英文: 1837 Registration of births, marriages and deaths came into effect in Great Britain.
中文: 英国开始实行出生登记、结婚登记和死亡登记。
英文: 1893 France became the first country to introduce motor vehicle registration plates.
中文: 法国成为世界上第一个采用机动车辆牌照的国家。