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apply for registration

【经】 申请登记

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英文: A company which is merged or divided shall apply for registration within 90 days from the date of making the resolution or decision of merger or division, and should submit the merger agreement and resolution or decision of merger of division, the certifi

中文: 公司合并、分立的,应当自合并、分立决议或者决定作出之日起90日后申请登记,提交合并协议和合并、分立决议或者决定以及公司在报纸上登载公司合并、分立公告至少三次的证明和债务清偿或者债务担保情况的说明。        更详细...
英文: A company which reduces its registered capital shall apply for registration of change within 90 days from the date of making the resolution or decision of reducing its registered capital, and shall submit the relevant certificates of the company's public

中文: 公司减少注册资本的,应当自减少注册资本决议或者决定作出之日起90日后申请变更登记,并应当提交公司在报纸上登载公司减少注册资本公告至少三次的有关证明和公司债务清偿或者债务担保情况的说明。        更详细...
英文: Article 24 Where two or more enterprises apply for registration of one same enterprise name which is in conformity with the provisions to the same registration authority, the authority shall examine and verify the application according to the principle of

中文: 第二十四条两个以上企业向同一登记主管机关申请相同的符合规定的企业名称,登记主管机关依照申请在先原则核定。        更详细...
英文: Article 26 A company, where it changes its domicile, should apply for registration of change before it moves to the new domicile and submit the certificate of using the new domicile.

中文: 第二十六条公司变更住所的,应当在迁入新住所前申请变更登记,并提交新住所使用证明。        更详细...
英文: Article 27 A company which changes its legal representative should apply for registration of change within 30 days from the date of making the resolution or decision of modification.

中文: 第二十七条公司变更法定代表人的,应当自变更决议或者决定作出之日起30日内申请变更登记。        更详细...

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