英文: Henry, the net proceeds of which US $3100 are passed to the credit of your account.
中文: 贵公司应收额为3100美元,现已记入贵公司贷方帐内。
英文: In simple terms, the world buys from these countries and they then invest the net proceeds in financial markets.
中文: 简单的说就是,这个世界从这些国家购买,然后这些国家将这些净收入投入金融市场。
英文: The net proceeds from an income-producing property, after all costs (taxes, mortgage interest, maintenance costs etc.) of owning and operating the property have been deducted.
中文: 收益物业的纯利润,扣除了税、房屋贷款利息、维修费用等之后的利润。
英文: The net proceeds from the sale of a property. The sale price minus legal fees and expenses, realty commission, any taxes paid, mortgage payout etc.
中文: 物业销售的纯利润,售价扣除产权转让费用、地产经纪佣金、所有赋税、房屋贷款偿清等之后的利润。
英文: When cargo so damaged is sold and the amount of the damage has not been otherwise agreed, the loss to be made good in general average shall be the difference between the net proceeds of sale and the net sound value as computed in the first paragraph of th
中文: 如果受损货物已经出售,而其损失数额未经另行议定,则作为共同海损受到补偿的数额,应根据出售净得数额与按照本条第一款计算的完好净值之间的差额确定。