英文: After the introduction of sanitary water and sewage treatment, the number of cases of cholera quickly diminished.
中文: 实行卫生用水与污水处理以后,霍乱病例的数量迅速减少了。
英文: Ancient cultures used the spice as an antiseptic and to treat cholera and bronchitis.
中文: 在古代,辣椒还被用作防腐剂、治疗霍乱和支气管炎。
英文: Article 75 Incubation period of cholera is 5 days.
中文: 第七十五条霍乱潜伏期为5日。
英文: As for those suspects suffering from contagious diseases other than plague, cholera and yellow fever as defined in Chapter VIII of these Rules, they shall be subject to on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention as well as other measures of sanitizat
中文: 但对第八章规定以外的其他病种染疫嫌疑人,可以从该人员离开感染环境的时候算起,实施不超过该传染病最长潜伏期的就地诊验或者留验以及其他的卫生处理。
英文: Amino-acid difference in the main antigen domain GP(E_) of the C-strain and the Guangxi prevalent strains hog cholera virus(HCV)
中文: 广西猪瘟流行毒与C-株疫苗毒gp(E_)主要抗原区DNA序列差异的比较