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initial phase


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英文: Abstract: By employing the concept of photon flux,the evolution of the phase and photon flux in the eigenmode state in three-wave mixing,and the requirements for the initial phase and photon flux in this state,are studied in the paper.A special state in w

中文: 文摘:利用光子流概念研究了三波混频中本征模状态的相位和光子流的变化,以及该状态对光波的初始相位和初始光子流的要求,研究了三波混频中只有光子流的交换却没有相位变化的特殊状态,提出了本征模状态推拉式非线性光环镜的全光开关,并数值计算了这种全光开关的性能,数值结果表明,该光开关的性能稳定性好,并且易于实现和控制输出信号光的光强及相位.        更详细...
英文: Apart from tracking sheep to help redesign fields, the initial phase of the project will encourage pigs to indulge in a bit of satisfying rooting and create shady spots for cows to have their calves in natural comfort.

中文: 除了跟踪羊群以帮助重新规划分配牧场之外,这项计划的基本内容还包括让饲养的猪多多进行它们喜欢的拱地活动,以及为奶牛制造荫凉地带,让它们在舒适的自然环境里抚育小牛犊。        更详细...
英文: By using Separate Source Method and Mine Statistic Method, the paper makes a comprehensive estimate about the gas emission, when light support top-coal caving technology is adopted in mining face during the initial phase in the third mining level, which i

中文: 摘要通过采用分源法和矿山统计法相结合的预测方法,综合分析得出了三水平初期开采阶段工作面采用轻放工艺回采时的瓦斯涌出量,极大地指导了矿井下一步的瓦斯管理和安全生产。        更详细...
英文: He estimated that it would be another 30 years before the initial phase of China's urbanization is completed.

中文: 据估计,我国城市化进程第一阶段还将持续30年。        更详细...
英文: However, the initial Phase I study of TA-NIC will merely assess its safety and tolerability at different doses, and researchers still have several years work ahead of them to prove the efficacy of the product.

中文: 据悉,目前这种疫苗的第一步试验还停留在用量安全标准上,科学家仍需要数年的时间来提高疫苗的效力。        更详细...

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