英文: As strange as it might seem, it's not that different from being a reporter in the real world,Adam Pasick, the Reuters correspondent who will serve as the virtual bureau's first chief, said in a Reuters report.
中文: 看起来可能很奇怪,但这与在现实生活中报道新闻并无多大区别.虚拟办事处的首届主席亚当·帕斯克说.
英文: A Madam lived in a magnificent palace.
中文: 一位夫人住在一座宏伟的宫殿里。
英文: A lebbeck tree is planted at the grassland outside the Adam Schall Residence at United College.
中文: 在联合书院汤若望宿舍外的草地上种植了这颗大叶合欢。
英文: A letter from Zhou En-lai to Madam Song Ching-ling briefing her of Jack Chen's visit to Yanan in 1946.
中文: 陈伊范〕〔注∶陈伊范,后来在中国的名字为陈依范〕,系陈一文的父亲。
英文: ADAM CW SOHN GMBH offers Central heating installation, Plastic stuff results and Rolling iron. Further offers are available on Installation requirement.
中文: ADAM CW SOHN GMBH作为一家专业的供货商为您提供高质量的安装(布线)需求,塑料制品、塑料产品,型铁、铁条、轧材、轧件、轧制钢材、滚压、辊筒、辊边、镇压器,暖气设备。