英文: From rainbows glistening in curtains of tumbling water droplets, to echoing rooms steeped in a single saturated color, to reverse waterfalls and walk-through kaleidoscopes, these are marvels of optics, sound, smell and touch.
中文: 从垂直宣泄而下的水滴帘幕里闪耀的彩虹,到饱满单一色彩浸透的回音室,到颠倒的瀑布和可以徒步穿过的万花筒,都极尽视觉、声音、味觉、触觉之妙。
英文: LL: But being there in person is so much more amazing. You won't believe how high some of the waterfalls are—when you go, it will blow you away!
中文: 身临其境那当然更好了。我是听说了那儿的瀑布从很高的山上流下来,非常惊人。你知道吗,中国也有许多有名的山脉。下回你去中国一定要去黄山玩。那里的景色也会让你惊叹不已!
英文: Matthew Leonard - Scripter : The waterfalls add a subtle and natural ambience to the islands. They help give a sense of life to the environment.
中文: 写脚本的:瀑布给小岛带来了一种微妙和自然的感觉。它让环境感觉更有生气.
英文: Niagara differs from the waterfalls you find in mountains, where a thin stream of water comes down a mountainside, half-flying.
中文: 尼亚加拉瀑布与人们在山上看到的瀑布有所不同。
英文: The key state-level scenic spot—Simianshan Mountain combines the landscape of mountains,laks,rivers,forests and waterfalls with magnificence,peculiarity,serenity and steepness.It is the only one subtropical lrsadleaf wildwood at the same latitude.It has t
中文: 国家重点风景名胜区—四面山集山、水、林、湖、瀑于一体,融雄、奇、幽、险、秀于一身,是地球同纬度仅存的一片亚热带原始常绿阔叶林;有高距为152米的神州第一高瀑—望乡台瀑布,为重庆新巴渝十二景之一;有长163米、高9米的灰千岩摩崖壁画;有“天下第一切工作奇联”等。