英文: In the Soviet Union, Politburo member Sergei Kirov is shot dead at the Communist Party headquarters in Leningrad by Leonid Nikolayev.
中文: 1934年,苏联*政治局成员瑟鸠·基洛夫在列宁格勒的*指挥部被列奥尼德·尼寇拉耶夫枪杀。
英文: Leonid Pushkin: You are professional. You do not kill without reason.
中文: 普希金:你是职业杀手,你不会无缘无故大开杀戒。
英文: The Leonid meteor shower happens every year in mid-November and it is very easy to observed with the naked eye.
中文: 狮子座流星雨于每年的11月中旬降临,裸眼就可以非常容易地观察到。
英文: Thousands of shooting stars provided a dazzling light show Sunday that amazed veteran and novice stargazers alike as the Leonid meteor shower made the moonless sky appear to rain light.
中文: 11月19日凌晨狮子座流星雨如期而至,成千上万颗流星将晴朗的夜空照耀的无比灿烂,让新老天文爱好者叹为观止。
英文: Ukraine President Leonid Kuchma gave the shutdown order from Kiev over a video linkup with the plant, located some 85 miles away.
中文: 连接,联系;乌克兰总统库吉马通过电视下达指令关闭了切尔诺贝利核电站。