英文: A hamartoma is a neoplasm in an organ that is composed of tissue elements normally found at that site, but growing in a haphazard mass.
中文: 错构瘤是发生于器官的肿块,由所在部位的正常组织成分构成,但形成了不规则肿块。
英文: A rather haphazard coloring job due to procrastination and me being out of town for a week. My June A submission for the Manga Art Exchange.
中文: 因为耽搁和出差而草草了事的图画。2005年六月上旬同人画家交换作品展览图。
英文: Ge Fei's sage narrationand his description of the intellectuals, in a context of haphazard absurdness, and irony gave a vivid picture to the intellectuals as well as their desires.
中文: 格非的“智者叙述”及其知识分子书写,在偶然、荒诞与反讽的叙事情境里,刻绘了文明暮色中的知识人画像,以及飘扬在文化废墟上的欲望旗帜。
英文: Haphazard draping that results in exposure of unprepared areas of skin in the middle of an operation can be catastrophic.
中文: 随意的、无计划的铺单,常常导致手术过程中未消毒的皮肤暴露于术野,而引发灾难性的后果。
英文: His haphazard knowledge of modern economics is one of the reasons why he failed in his business.
中文: 对现代经济学的一知半解是导致他经营失败的原因之一。