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Haphazard draping that results in exposure of unprepared areas of skin in the middle of an operation can be catastrophic.

Hao Wei, vice-director of the Chinese Psychiatrists' Association, said that more than 60 percent of those currently suffering from depression could greatly benefit from proper medication or professional psychiatric help. 中国精神医师协会的副主席郝威说,在目前的抑郁症患者中,超过60%的人通过适当的药物治疗或专业的心理咨询服务可以使抑郁症状大大减轻。
Hao, W.C., Bai S.L., Jiang D.Y., 2000. Uniformity of the upper Famennian Milankovitch cyclicity in China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 45(24): 2286-2291. 郝维城、白顺良、江大勇,2000。法门阶上部米兰柯维奇旋回在中国发育的一致性。科学通报,45(15):1654-1659.
Haocheng electronics by quality supreme, prestige supreme, the serviceis supremeis the goal, wholeheartedly welcome the Chinese andforeign customer to come to discuss the cooperation, is willing ushand in hand to advance together, altogether creates magni 昊诚电子以“品质至上,信誉至上,服务至上”为目标,竭诚欢迎中外客户前来洽谈合作,愿我们携手并进,共创辉煌!
Haoxi Nb-Ta mineral deposits in Guangning County of Guangdong Province occurs in the C-formation of Sinian system strata and the folding structures and faulted structures is a very development in the area. 摘要广东广宁厚溪铌钽矿床赋存于震旦系C组地层中,区内褶皱构造、断裂构造十分发育。
Haoxin co.,be located in Hebei most southernpart, Jin Ji Lu Yu border of spot Jingguang form the city pass through east be apart form Longhai and north east be apart form Shitai only perigee traffic great facilities. 金利特纺织助剂有限公司位于河北省最南端,晋冀鲁豫交界之处,京广线从本市穿过,东距京九,南距陇海线及北距石太仅指尺之遥,交通十分便利。
Haphazard draping that results in exposure of unprepared areas of skin in the middle of an operation can be catastrophic. 随意的、无计划的铺单,常常导致手术过程中未消毒的皮肤暴露于术野,而引发灾难性的后果。
Haploid organisms have one genome, diploid organisms have two homologous sets, polyploid organisms have many sets sometimes form the same ancestor (autopolyploids) and sometimes from different ancestor (allopolyploids). 单倍体生物有一个基因组;二倍体生物有两个同源的基因组;多倍体生物有多个基因组,它们可能源于同一祖先(同源多倍体),也可源自不同的祖先(异源多倍体)。
Haplont A haploid organism that represents the vegetative stage in life cycles in which diploidy is restricted to the zygote. 单倍性生物:是一个单倍体或生物体,该生物体体现二倍性仅限于合子的生活史中的营养阶段。
Haplontic life cycles are typical of the filamentous green algae. 丝状绿藻具有典型的单倍性生物的生活史。
Haplostele A type of protostele having a solid strand of stele with the xylem on the inside encircled by phloem, pericycle, and endodermis. 单中柱:原生中柱的一种类型,是由韧皮部、中柱鞘和内皮层包围着内方的木质部构成的实心中柱。
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