英文: In lack of compulsorily applicable international convention, this thesis aims to discuss the liability system adopted by prevailing multimodal transport documents, and the contents of carriers' liability.
中文: 因目前尚无生效之国际公约来管辖复合运送,故本论文针对现行复合运送载货证券所采取之责任制,探讨复合运送人之责任内容。
英文: The multimodal transport operator may enter into separate contracts with the carriers of the different modes defining their responsibilities with regard to the different sections of the transport under the multimodal transport contracts.
中文: 多式联运经营人与参加多式联运的各区段承运人,可以就多式联运合同的各区段运输,另以合同约定相互之间的责任。