英文: Best Award sad day: NI Ping dayfor a book sent NI Ping glory, The bizarre incident divorce again NI Ping onto center of storm, regardless of whether they really divorce, Best sad day this award-Mo few she wants is the matter with the NI Ping compete not t
中文: 《日子》一书曾让倪萍风光无限,离婚事件的扑朔迷离又把倪萍推到风口浪尖,无论是否真的离婚,最佳难过日子这个奖项非她莫数,谁要是再跟倪萍争就太没有风度了。
英文: If I were your husband,retorted the stout man, I would divorce you immediately.
中文: 如果我是你丈夫,那个结实的男人还击,马上就同你离婚.
英文: This has been a bittersweet year for me,says Richards, 35, of her highs (giving birth to daughter Lola, 9 months) and lows (filing for divorce from Charlie Sheen, 40).
中文: 先是生下女儿劳拉(现9个月大),又与丈夫查理·希恩离婚,35岁的美国影星丹尼丝·理查兹说:“这一年对我来说真是喜忧参半。”
英文: 1997Impact of Divorce on Children: The U.S. Experience and Possible lessons for Taiwan,(with Rose Maria Li) International Conference on State, Family, and Social Welfare, March 14-17, 1997. Taipei.
中文: 1998婚姻就业与性别经济水准(合著者:邓佳蕙)中研院社科所「第二届家庭与社会资源分配学术研讨会」,民国87年6月5-6日,台北市。
英文: 7Divorce : Future tense of marriage.
中文: 离婚:婚姻的将来时.