英文: A 59-year-old man receiving long-term lamivudine therapy experienced a fatal exacerbation of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection resulting in hepatic necrosis following the emergence of variant HBV.
中文: 一例长期使用拉米夫定治疗的59岁男性患者在HBV变异株出现后乙肝病毒感染发生致命性加重,导致肝坏死。
英文: A consequence of the new trends, then, is exacerbation of the already disturbing backlog problem.
中文: 因此,新趋势的后果之一,是使本来已经非常严峻的积案问题更加恶化。
英文: In conclusion, we hae proided eidence for a role for cholinesterase in the exacerbation of SGH seen in pSS.
中文: 总之,我们已经提供了胆碱酯酶在原发性干燥综合征唾液腺功能减退加重方面有影响的证据。
英文: Methods: In a prospective, longitudinal cohort of patients with COPD, the relationship between exacerbation occurrence, sputum bacterial concentrations, and new strain acquisition was examined.
中文: 目的:探讨(原有)细菌负荷的增加是否与新菌株感染一样是(COPD)加重的独立机制。
英文: Over the past decades, the wetland systems have turned into one of the most seriously threatened ecosystems around the world due to exacerbation of pollutions and overexploitation of wetland resources.
中文: 近年来湿地垦殖、污染和资源的过度开发,致使湿地成为全球最受威胁的生态系统之一,我国湿地也同样遭到这些威胁。