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natural law

【计】 自然率\n【化】 自然法则; 自然规律\n【医】 自然[定]律\n【经】 自然法则

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英文: Natural law is the reason for efficiency, and abiding by it upholds efficiency, and abiding by it upholds efficiency; social law is the basis of equity, and following it maintains equity.

中文: 自然法则是效率的原因,遵循了自然法则,就坚持了效率;社会法则是公平的依据,遵循了社会法则,就维护了公平。        更详细...
英文: Not only is the terrestrial world, in the beautiful sea, the natural law of the jungle also exists, the next game, gamers on the need to control a tiny tropical fish, experienced some life-and-death survival race.

中文: 不光是陆地世界,在美丽的海底,同样存在弱肉强食的自然法则,下面的游戏中,玩家就需要控制一条小小的热带鱼,体验一番你死我活的生存竞赛。        更详细...
英文: Our belief in any particular natural law cannot have a safer basis than our unsuccessful critical attempts to refute it.

中文: 曾吹毛求疵,却反驳不遂,这是我们置信任何自然法则的最可靠根基。        更详细...
英文: The objective moral law – the natural law written on every human heart – must serve as the obligatory point of reference for civil law itself.

中文: 客观的道德律——书写于每个人心灵上的自然法——必须担当起私法自身义务的参考点。        更详细...
英文: When enough observations have been made so that a pattern begins to emerge, one then formulates a generalization or natural law describing the phenomenon....We should not think of a natural law as a absolute truth, however.

中文: 这种观察积累到一定程度,其中的规律就会浮现出来,然后总结形成阐述这种现象的自然法则....可是,我们不能认为这种自然法则就是绝对真理。        更详细...

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