英文: [b][size=3]? Simplified navigation capabilities, enhanced shortcut options, and dedicated category views for all media types, including music, photos and video.
中文: 导航功能使得应用更加简单,增加快捷方式选项,用于分类区别所有的媒体格式,包括音乐、图片和视频。
英文: [color=Red][b]Stoicism[/b][/color], school of philosophy, founded in ancient Greece, opposed to Epicureanism in its views of life and duty.
中文: 斯多葛哲学,创立于古希腊,对生命和责任的看法和伊壁鸠鲁学说完全相反。
英文: “More than any other generation,” he said, “our generation views the adult world with great skepticism… there is also an increased tendency to reject completely that world.
中文: 他写道:“与其他任何一代人相比,我们这一代人在看待成人世界时抱有更大的疑虑……同时越来越倾向于全盘否定成人世界。”
英文: “The whole seeding mechanism and the way you build up points for it is a constant debate and I know José has expressed his views at the elite coaches' forum.
中文: “整个种子队的选别和积分方式一直是争论的焦点,我知道何塞已经在精英教练论坛(注:欧足联为各队教练提供的讨论会)上发表了他的意见。
英文: “Unfortunately referees are human beings too” is one of Claudio Lotito's most celebrated quotes, idiosyncratic and a sign that he sees the world as an infinitely improvable place - as he also views his Lazio.
中文: “不幸的是,裁判也是人,”这是洛蒂托最著名的口头禅,这是他独特的标志性的世界观——世界是可以无限改进提升的,就像拉齐奥一样。