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[color=Red][b]Stoicism[/b][/color], school of philosophy, founded in ancient Greece, opposed to Epicureanism in its views of life and duty.

[color=Red]7.[/color] I left them a fortnight ago, owing to a disagreement with the president Mr. Lau. 由于本人与董事长刘先生意见不合,两星期前去职。
[color=Red]Because you get this mutual curling even in the absence of matter[/color], it doesn't rely on a medium to exist and can be perfectly happy in vacuum. 就算没有任何物质的存在,也能产生这种效应,它并不依赖于任何一种介质,能够在真空中产生。
[color=Red]I beat letter very fast,because I am a computer high hand.Ievenact as black guest[/color]. 我打字很快,因为我是电脑高手,我甚至还当过黑客呢。
[color=Red]Illustrated[/color] with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture, the trend that Mr. McWhorter documents is unmistakable. 麦荷特显示先生从上层和下层文化中列举了一系列有趣的例子,从而说明他记录的这种趋势是确凿无误的。
[color=Red][b]Bustling [/b][/color]Capital: Bicycles, scooters, and rickshaws crowd the streets in Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh. 熙熙攘攘的首都:柬埔寨首都金边街道上挤满了自行车,小摩托车,人力车。
[color=Red][b]Stoicism[/b][/color], school of philosophy, founded in ancient Greece, opposed to Epicureanism in its views of life and duty. 斯多葛哲学,创立于古希腊,对生命和责任的看法和伊壁鸠鲁学说完全相反。
[color=Red][b]Synergy[/b][/color], in medicine, the cooperativeaction of two or more drugs. 在医药上是指两种或多种药物的加成性。
[color=Red][color=Black]31) Watching Chico Evani, one of the faithful heroes of the Hellish times score the winner in Tokyo in the last minute of regulation against Medellin. 埃瓦尼,这位在球队降入乙级的黑暗岁月里仍能忠诚而坚定地留守在此的英雄之一,在东京丰田杯决赛对阵麦德林独立队的最后一分钟打进致胜一球。
[color=Red][size=3]1. Stop flattering me like that. 别再那样拍我马屁。
[color=Red][size=4]CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS REPORTER: They say when you're angry, you should take a deep, calming breath, but for some folks, in the Philippines, this alternative method is a smash hit! CNN STUDENT NEWS记者:人们都说当你生气的时候,你应该做个深深的,沉着的呼吸;不过,对于一些在菲律宾的人来说,有另外一种方法相当流行。
[color=Teal][font=Book Antiqua]Money is not everything. There‘s Mastercard &Visa. 钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡.

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