英文: Company at present primary service: Receives the domestic and foreign various travel agencies, the cooperation unit comes the Beijing traveling association and the individual tourist; Organizes the domestic and foreign traveling association and the indivi
中文: 公司目前的主要业务:接待国内外各旅行社、合作单位来京旅游团体及散客;组织国内外旅游团体及散客;组织、办理出境游;承办各种行业、档次的会议和专项、特色旅游,代订机、车、船票,提供其它委托代办服务。
英文: Drying is a basic operation unit of chemical production. Drying operation methods are varies, fluidized bed drier is an ideal operation device for drying PVC particulate material.
中文: 干燥过程是化工生产的基本操作单元,干燥的操作方式是多种多样的,流化床干燥器对聚氯乙烯等粒状物料的干燥,是一种十分理想的操作装置。
英文: For an inspection yard invested in by an operation unit, the operation unit shall apply to the Port Administration authorities of the local People's Government at county or city level.
中文: 由经营单位投资经营的,经营单位须向口岸所在县(市)人民政府口岸主管部门申报。
英文: Since the operation unit only performs operations of the bits of the effective dynamic range, the circuit corresponding to other bits will not demonstrate switching of power consumption, thereby lowering the overall power consumption.
中文: 由于运算单元仅针对有效动态範围的位元数进行运算,因此其馀位元数的对应电路便不会有切换功率消耗及进位动作,使整体功率消耗降低。
英文: The operation unit performs predetermined operations of the bits of these effective dynamic range to obtaining an operation result.
中文: 运算单元则针对有效动态範围的位元数进行既定运算,藉以得到一运算结果。