英文: Johannes Kepler,,The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics.,
中文: 对外部世界进行研究的主要目的在于发现上帝赋予它的合理次序与和谐,而这些是上帝以数学语言透露给我们的.
英文: Observing and contrasting from personal visual angle towards external world are May 4thprose's unique prose angle, expressing straightly one's feeling, describing imago and creating artistic conception are its artistic techniques, freely structuring is it
中文: 以个人的视角对外在世界进行观照是五四散文独特的散文视角,直抒胸臆、对意象的描摹和对意境的创造是五四散文的艺术手法,自由流尚的结构方式是它组织材料时共同的特征,具有简单味和苦涩味语言是五四散文的语言特色。
英文: Search within is the quest of Vedanta as against the Modern age where Science is exploring the external world of matter reaching out to new frontiers of external knowledge.
中文: 与现代社会相反,吠檀多寻求的是对内部世界的省思,而现代社会却是凭借科学来探索外部世界的事务,延伸到外部知识之种种新的边界。
英文: Thus no one has ever refuted the scepticism of David Hume about causation, the conception of personal identity and the existence of an external world of nature, but we all go on acting on the assumption that cause and effect are real and that we are the s
中文: 休姆对于个人特性的构成与大自然外在世界的存在具有一定的因果关系、提出怀疑,并没有人加以驳斥,但我们仍然都按照一些假定生活下去:因果关系是真实的,今天的我跟昨晚就睡的我是同一个人,在我们周遭的世界并不是一个梦中的虚构事物。