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come on

偶遇, 进步, 发生, 开始, 出场, 快来

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英文: [bbe] And Jeremiah put in a book all the evil which was to come on Babylon.

中文: 耶利米对西莱雅说,你到了巴比伦务要念这书上的话。        更详细...
英文: [bbe] And Moses said to Aaron and to Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons, Do not let your hair be loose, and give no signs of grief; so that death may not overtake you, and his wrath come on all the people; but let there be weeping among your brothers and all t

中文: 摩西对亚伦和他儿子以利亚撒、以他玛、说、不可蓬头散发、也不可撕裂衣裳、免得你们死亡、又免得耶和华向会众发怒、只要你们的弟兄以色列全家、为耶和华所发的火哀哭。        更详细...
英文: [bbe] And they said to one another, Truly, we did wrong to our brother, for we saw his grief of mind, and we did not give ear to his prayers; that is why this trouble has come on us.

中文: 他们彼此说、我们在兄弟身上实在有罪、他哀求我们的时候、我们见他心里的愁苦、却不肯听、所以这场苦难临到我们身上。        更详细...
英文: [bbe] And when David went for directions to the Lord, he said, You are not to go up against them in front; but make a circle round them from the back and come on them opposite the spice-trees.

中文: 你听见桑树梢上有脚步的声音、就要急速前去、因为那时耶和华已经在你前头去攻打非利士人的军队。        更详细...
英文: [bbe] Be not given overmuch to righteousness and be not over-wise. Why let destruction come on you?

中文: 不要行义过分。也不要过于自逞智慧。何必自取败亡呢?        更详细...

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